Practice expectations year round...

Practice Expectations year round....

The foundation of success in many areas of life is solid preparation. 

Everything starts with practice. 

Off Season practices are optional. You are NOT being asked to "show up or else". That is not how we operate. If you want to put some extra  time into your track and field craft before the season starts we will be at the school for practice at various times during the off season. Check for current schedules on this blog or in emails.

During the season you are expected to be at practice as much as possible. We understand there are times when you will not be able to be there. The expectation is that you will get your workout done on your own if that is the case. Remember, getting the workouts in and doing them correctly, always helps you and your teammates in being successful. when you show up these are the expectations we have of you.

1. Have a great attitude. No matter what, you need to be positive, and you need have a good attitude. If you are having a bad day, and you are not in the right frame of mind, i.e your attitude is terrible and negative...go ahead and stay home. 

2. Be Prepared. You should be prepared to run outside or inside. This means you need to have your running shoes. You need to have the proper attire. hats, gloves and jackets are EXTREMELY important during the winter. Distance athletes should never assume that they will be indoors. In fact it will be the opposite. Be prepared to run outside in the cold.  

3. Listen and pay attention.  When you are being spoken to as a group, by your coaches you absolutely need to be paying attention and listen to what is being said. This is a intention for the whole team...that you will help each other pay attention and listen. This way we can get through announcements and the outline of the training as efficiently as possible. Here is a might be a good idea to make it a personal goal...that you do not turn to your friend and begin talking when someone else is talking in front of the group. As we go from here...we will begin to have consequences if we cannot accomplish this goal. 

4. Accomplish what is asked of you. Whatever the coaches ask of you for training or otherwise, please make an attempt to accomplish it. 


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