The Rest of Summer....and Team Camp Report

Team Camp Report and Important Information for Getting the Season started on August 13th 2018 Team Camp was a success. A fitting beginning to arguably one of the most anticipated and exciting seasons in program history. Lip Sync was hotly contested with every team doing an incredible job in performing their Disney themed song. The winning margin was a mere 2 points of scoring with Moana's "You're Welcome" leaving with the championship trophy (mini guitars) over Mulan's "I'll Make a Man". Mueller State Park provided an incredible two days of running for the team. The highlight of the running came on Monday. As roughly 16 team members climbed the final climb of camp together with the mantra "5 more steps for the team" as their guide. Essentially the idea is that as you climb the steep trail and your legs and lungs are burning with effort, you will come to a point where you will want to back off and stop. However,...