Beginners to the program Dakota Ridge Cross Country and Track As you begin in the sport of running at Dakota Ridge it is important to remember a few principles… First and foremost this should be fun…if you start not having fun and end up miserable, please communicate that and come discuss with one of the coaches. Always be smart with your efforts…it’s better to just follow the schedule and get things going and build up gradual until you can do more work. Ideally you will stay injury free, but should you have an ache or pain please follow the “Injury Protocol” outlined in the document “Injury Protocol”. We recommend a good pair of shoes to start While it will be tempting to do more than what’s on the schedule below and jump in with folks who have already been running and training, PLEASE avoid overdoing it. Again, just follow the schedule and do what we have laid out in this schedule for you. Weeks 1-3 Based on where you are coming from we will ge...