upcoming season information...
There is a bunch of need to know information this week to get us ready for the upcoming season. PART 1: The following is a rundown of everything you need to do to begin next week.... 1. In order to participate in Cross Country you must have a physical and signed paperwork stating you are cleared by a doctor to participate. 2. You must fill out the necessary school registration Athletic Participation Card and Emergency Card which can be found online in three places...Click on the highlighted yellow links above...If that proves difficult and for overkill I included the other places to find these pertinent items. http://dakotaridge.jeffcopublicschools.org/ http://www.dakotaridgexctf.com/home.html 3. You must pay the $175.00 CHSAA fee to Dakota Ridge. ALL OF THE ABOVE IS DUE AUGUST 14th!!!!! GEAR: A solid pair of running shoes is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED head to Runners Roost Lakewood on southwest corner of Wadsworth and Alameda next to the King Soopers to ...