
Showing posts from January 5, 2014

XC/Distance Track workout descriptions.

Workout Descriptions  Hill Sprint work                 Warm up with a 15 minute run. Find a fairly steep hill with good footing, so the road might be the best bet during the winter. Using good sprint mechanics hopefully…sprint hard uphill for 8 seconds or what time the workout calls for then walk down to the start again. It is INCREDIBLY important that you REST the full 2 min following each rep. That means WALK around. You should be sprinting pretty hard and the rest is necessary to make the workout successful. There will be a progression to the length of each rep and the number of reps throughout the season. Stay with the progression. Cool down at least 10 minutes jogging.      Canova special The paces on this workout will change throughout the year. We will also do variations of this workout with different distances and paces during the track season. For our opening weeks of ...

Swimming workouts

Swim Workouts   When : Coming off of break from running, or injury during season, or to add supplemental cross training. Also can be used for a recovery day. How : using deep end of pool for pool running segments, must have belt around waist. Usually you can borrow a water belt from the pool and attach it around your waist. Freestyle swim segment is regular lap swimming. Get to pool during lap swim times. Why : If you are injured its to try to keep you off your feet so you can heal up and get better. If you are coming off your break it is a supplement for your fitness as you being to ramp up your training.   Evidence : I had a stress fracture in my sacrum in 2006 and was unable to run at all. I used the pool to stay in shape for 3 months. Spending all my normal hours of running in the pool I did all my normal workouts running in the pool. This included “long runs” of 90-100 minutes. I began running on ground again 12 weeks before Chicago marathon. I ran a ...