
Showing posts from May 12, 2019

Process, Outcomes, State Info, Banquet Info

The dust...rather...the snow finally settled and melted on the regular season last night. As a few of our athletes made one last effort to gain State Championship Qualifying marks, one of the highlights of the season happened off the track and field and in the stands. Matt Heitmann, Carisa Wilkerson long finished competing for the day and the essentially the year...stayed to watch their teammates and hang with the coaches while we watched Chloe Piegat, Izzy Camann and Sophie Berry compete. Tremendous student-athletes, the not so simple effort of taking the time for others was a particularly great leadership note to end the season on.   The Process and Choices.  I was reminded last night how vitally important to our success as a program, is the focus we put on the process and the choices we make. Over and over again this year when we struggled in our program it was the focus on the process that had been lost or choices were made that hindered both our process and ...