First Who...Then What.

Get the right people first. ...Then go somewhere. According to James Collins before you go anywhere with an organization, business or in our case team you first need to get people. Not just any people. The right people. It is not about having people in general, it is having the right people that makes the difference. Once you have the right people you can then decide on where to go. In our context, we are not a business with positions like sales associate, manager or CEO. We don’t hire people. In fact, we don’t even cut people from the team as they do in other sports. Instead we have whomever decides to come out for Track and Field/ Cross Country. However, if we want to go from “Good to Great”, like any team we do need the right people. "Good to great companies first got the right people on the bus, the wrong people off the bus (or in the right seat) and then figured out where to drive it." ---Jim Collins Who do we want as part of Tra...