Some thoughts and Alamosa Info....

What the Crucible Of Starting A School Year Has Taught Us.... (and some Alamosa info) Starting a school year has become a crucible. A test of everyone's will, time management and emotional stability. I believe we have rode the wave of it into shore, washed up...and now can begin the real good work of becoming great. (That is a lot of metaphor.) Our opening weeks have been filled with everything you can think of and we lived it all together so there is no need to go over all of the happenings since we began on August 14th. What we do need to look at is what we have learned having gone through it. Here are some thoughts... Young, dumb and in love. ---Mat Kearney The most obvious brutal fact about our situation is that we are young. There is a ton of information and learning that needs to reach everyone and we are absolutely in love with the sport right now. It has been awhile since we have found the need to hold b...