A picture worth a thousand miles.

A Picture Worth a Thousand Miles. I often think about celebrating. The feeling of accomplishment, a better drug then anything you will ever find. This picture is from 2011 and is the moment Brent Vaughn, one of my closest and best friends crossed the finish line at USA Cross Country Champs. It was one of the best races of his life, and one of his biggest victories. You can read the fabulous article by Daniel Petty from the Denver Post by clicking the link here: http://www.denverpost.com/2011/02/05/brent-vaughn-wins-2011-u-s-cross-country-championships/ In my head this image is what I think of when I think about success. In general the photos of runners crossing the finish line celebrating the effort and feeling the surge of glory that comes with it often come to mind. For Brent as it is for most runners or really athletes in general, crossing the line after a successful effort, there is a tremendous amou...