14 Dakota Ridge historical performances this week...
14 Dakota Ridge historical performances this week... This week I watched a team of kids succeed in the best way they could despite a myriad of tough circumstances. We had 14 of the best performances in Dakota Ridge history this week. Kids who chose to come to the competition where ever it was this week...and give what they had no matter what circumstances they dealt with to get to that moment of performance. Here is the thing about Track and Field.... The honest most brutal aspect of life as a Dakota Ridge student athlete in Track and Field....We don't have a track. We barely have the facilities to operate successfully a Track and Field team. We have a Weight Room. We have some throwing rings. Thanks to Coach Clark we have a decent jumping pit. We have a high jump pit but often no great place to put it. We have a lake and a park and hallways. We use what we have to the best of our ability. We are a team made up of different skillsets performing different competitions a...