upcoming season information...

There is a bunch of need to know information this week to get us ready for the upcoming season.

PART  1:  
The following is a rundown of everything you need to do to begin next week....

1. In order to participate in Cross Country you must have a physical and signed paperwork stating you are cleared by a doctor to participate.

2. You must fill out the necessary school registration Athletic Participation Card and Emergency Card which can be found online in three places...Click on the highlighted yellow links above...If that proves difficult and for overkill I included the other places to find these pertinent items.



3. You must pay the $175.00 CHSAA fee to Dakota Ridge.


GEAR: A solid pair of running shoes is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED head to Runners Roost Lakewood on  southwest corner of Wadsworth and Alameda next to the King Soopers to get a great pair of shoes for the season. You can also buy racing flats (which make the races more fun) but are optional. They will give you a discount there. You can also go to the Boulder Running Company..however...PLEASE ask for Danny, Donna or Emily as they are the only folks I know there and I trust will get you the right thing. If you have any questions about shoes come talk to the coaching staff about what to look for and get.

PART 2: 
The following is a rundown of what to expect coming up in terms of other costs for Cross Country

At team camp we have discussed brutal facts or the undeniable reality of our current situation as it pertains to the athletic side. Now, I present a a couple brutal facts as it pertains to costs and what we need to do make the season a successful one.

Fact: We need uniforms as we are out of them.
Fact: They cost money.
Fact: We don't have enough money in our program to pay for them.
Reality: To cover the cost for uniforms this year we will have to pay for them.

Fact: It cost money to go to Alamosa for a great Cross Country trip.
Reality: We have to cover the cost for each student -athlete to go.

Getting to the point...We will have a fee ($150.00) that will need to be paid to our BOOSTER CLUB to help cover the cost for uniforms and the trip to Alamosa Sept 8-9.

That check will need to be made out to: Dakota Ridge Cross Country Boosters

The uniform is your uniform to keep. Seniors will have an option to sell their uniform back to us at very reduced cost at the end of the school year or simply donate it.

As recap...there is a $150.00 fee to check made out to our booster club, to cover cost of uniforms and the trip to Alamosa. That payment is due by September 5th

I will speak more in depth on this fee at the parent meeting August 15th 6:00pm in Library at Dakota Ridge...and you can turn your check in to us that night if possible. 

PART 3: Fundraising....

As we look ahead to the future it is now very important to us that we do some fundraising for next year and beyond in order to keep our program moving forward. We have two different accounts we use to fund the program: 

1. School Account which pays for things like meet entry fees and busses and the occasional training equipment. 

2. Booster club which covers items such as uniforms, team camp,  some travel, End of year awards and occasional purchases as needed. (For example: buying everyone popsicles on a hot day type of thing).

Our fundraisers this year:

Eaglefest August 19th will be used to help our school account ...Info can be found online here: http://www.dakotaridgexctf.com/home.html

Snapraise Campaign: Info to be presented August 23rd to Student-Athletes at practice, this will go into our booster account.

Chipotle, ModMarket nights: Dates still to be determined but the idea is you go eat dinner there we get some of the proceeds from the evening.

King Soopers Card: use the card at King Soopers everytime you buy groceries and we get a donation check back from King Soopers every two months. Cards will be available at Parent Meeting August 15th at 6:00pm in Library.

I will speak more in depth as needed on the fundraising at the parent meeting August 15th 6:00pm in Library at Dakota Ridge.

Part 4: Upcoming Schedule....

As always you can see our weekly and upcoming schedule here: http://www.dakotaridgexctf.com/home.html

YOU CAN FIND THE SEASON COMPETITION SCHEDULE HERE: http://www.dakotaridgexctf.com/-season-schedule.html

August 14th 4:30pm First Official Practice at Dakota Ridge

August 15th
  • Practice 3:45pm @ Dakota Ridge
August 16th  3:45pm practice @ Dakota Ridge 

August 17th  3:45pm practice @ Dakota Ridge 

August 18th  3:45pm practice @ Dakota Ridge 

August 19th 


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