The Rest of Summer....and Team Camp Report
Team Camp Report and Important Information for Getting the Season started on August 13th
2018 Team Camp was a success. A fitting beginning to arguably one of the most anticipated and exciting seasons in program history.
Mueller State Park provided an incredible two days of running for the team. The highlight of the running came on Monday. As roughly 16 team members climbed the final climb of camp together with the mantra "5 more steps for the team" as their guide. Essentially the idea is that as you climb the steep trail and your legs and lungs are burning with effort, you will come to a point where you will want to back off and stop. However, sometimes all it takes to get up the hill is to have purpose and passion. Putting out the effort for the team is the purpose and the passion. When the lungs are burning and legs are tired and you feel like you can't go anymore..."take 5 more steps for the team" and then take another "5 more steps for the team" and again and again...all the way to the top.

A VERY SPECIAL THANKS TO OUR PARENTS WHO DROVE LUGGAGE, OUR COACHES and Booster club for making the experience a great one for us all.
Signing up for the season.....
Parents you must first get your student athlete a physical and a signed document by the doctor that they are able to participate.
Second...Starting July 24th there will be an online sign up for sports...You must have this done ASAP in order to have your Student-athlete ready to go for the season. Here is a blurb from Jeffco Athletics on this matter:
To parents and student-athletes wishing to register to play a fall sport:
The Jeffco district is implementing a new, online registration system for sports beginning with the 2018-2019 school year. This online format should improve the efficiency for registering the approximately 12,500 student-athletes that compete in our high school programs each year.
The goal of the Central Athletic Department is to have this online system open and accessible to parents on Tuesday, July 24th. Office staff begins to return the week of July 16th and the athletic department feels implementing this new online system will be best served when staff is available to answer questions.
If you have further questions, please contact your school’s athletic director or athletic secretary. Thank you.

This year you will need to buy your uniform from Denver Athletic by August 6th. Along with your uniform you have options to buy some other team gear as well.
Ladies should buy the girls singlet, the ladies Breakline short OR the Anchor short. I recommend getting the Breakline first and if you do not want the tighter competition short, then you have the option to get the unisex Anchor short. Buying both is not a bad option as well in case you want to wear the tighter short underneath and both shorts can be used for Track and Field in the spring if you do Track and Field.
Guys You should buy the guys singlet of course and then purchase BOTH the Break Short and the Anchor short. The Break short can be worn underneath when cold and will be useful in Track should you run this year. The Anchor short is the main short we will use in XC but having the half tight break short is a very good idea as well.
For Everyone The rest of the gear on the site is your choice to purchase! Get what you want and wear it with pride!!
Here is the Link:
August Schedule....
We will be changing over to afternoon practice sometime in early August. Please check the website routinely after July 28th to see what needs to happen for practice in August. We will try to go in the morning as long as we can because of the heat and afternoon storms. However as teachers and counselors go back to school it will be tough to have morning practice stay tuned for the changes.
Season Opening Parent meeting will be sometime the week of August 13-17 at Dakota Ridge. I will get back to everyone once I nail down a date and time.
Lastly...August 18th will be EagleFest plan to invite neighbors and coworkers and friends to come run and hang out at EagleFest August 18th!! This will be a fundraiser for us so start getting in mind you will invite to come do our community run with us!!
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