Resolve. Rest. Lots of information...

Resolve. Rest. Information...

What a week.

How many of you cannot wait to have our own track and field?

 As far as our future track....I will be sure to remind Matt and Jim that putting the nets up on either end of the track is a MUST and will eliminate massive amounts of headaches in scheduling with Lacrosse. To date...we have been kicked out of four different facilities over the years because lacrosse practice. I will put the nets up myself if I have too. LOL.

Despite everything all of us on the coaching staff see a brilliance and potential in the 2019 version of our team. With the biggest team in 15 years turning out for this season, we are so excited to see what will transpire over the coming weeks. We will use our creativity as keep believing in us and yourself... things will turn out just fine. It takes a ton of patience and belief in the face of weather and injury and ever changing situations with practice to be successful in the spring in Colorado. Resolve to be successful no matter what occurs.

Use these snow days mostly as REST. Sleep in. Play video games...catch up on school... Get to a place where you can workout indoors only if you are safe getting there. Do some lite workouts to keep the blood flowing and the muscles loose but don't go crazy. Just enough to stay fit and feeling good.

Okay.....Here is what I know....

We will have practice on Friday.. 3:30pm at Dakota Ridge ..we will hand out uniforms that have been ordered and received. Plan to pick up that on Friday. Also I believe we will know by then if our meet this weekend is a of now...the meet is still on. I spoke with the hosts of the meet and we will wait to see how much can be removed on Friday. Right now I say its 50/50 we have the meet.

Everything we are looking at doing next week is impacted by this Saturday...If we do not have a meet Saturday that means next Wednesday's March 20th meet at Jeffco becomes an automatic Varsity effort with some mixed JV.

Look for us to have a big JV group head up to Jeffco for a JV meet run by coaches on Tuesday March 19th.

If we have a meet on Saturday....Look for us to mix JV in a little more on Wednesday and not send as many to the JV meet the day before.

Give things time to play out over the next few days and I will have more specific info on Sunday in regards to next week.

Grand Junction Update...

We have been working on this big time. Currently we are trying to finalize the transportation. We are planning to go ahead and pay for a Charter bus and on Thursday we will reach out to that company. If they are open and will take our reservation we will take a Charter bus to Grand Junction. Stay tuned.

For now...we have about 45-50 athletes who we have entered in the meet. It is a predominately VARSITY meet...whose varsity you ask? some already know...some have not had a chance to compete in an actual meet yet. ergo...this Saturday being kind of important...OR next week being even MORE important. We have the roster for Grand Junction about 90% chosen but we do want to give some kids a chance to perform their way there if they post a big performance in the coming week or so. Also...we are trying to get verbal commitments from kids we know are varsity as to whether or not they will be in town to make the trip. I will create a Grand Junction post this weekend and it will have the roster and further instructions. Be patient with us as we work all this out. email me with


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