Track and Field General Information

Track Parents and student athletes

here is a brief outline of the main points for track and field..

you can find information at this blog site

its rough no doubt because I don't spend a ton of time designing it but you can click around on there and find information thats been emailed and some other fun stuff. 

  • If your student athlete cannot make it to practice or a meet for some reason, I NEED AN EMAIL FROM A PARENT STATING WHY THEY ARE MISSING. Its also a good idea to include in that email any other coaches the student athlete works with. See the rules, but if student athletes are missing and they are not excused absences, they won't last long on the team. We want student athletes here who want to be here. If you are in another sport, student athletes need to communicate that to me so we can work out schedules. 
  • practice will generally be at 3:15pm at Dakota Ridge most days. 

  • THE MAIN THING TO LEARN FROM THIS: We need our own track. The second thing is that it will be IMPERATIVE that you pay attention to the Sunday emails that have the weeks schedule.    
  • Buses will be available for certain meets where we will have a large amount of underclassmen attending the meet. However, the bus will ONLY take kids to the meet. There will be NO RETURN busing from the meets. Parents will be responsible for picking their student athletes up from the track meets. plan ahead with carpools and pickups.
  • For practices at Goddard and Bear Creek, I highly recommend planning for carpools with your athletes. If your student athlete is unable to get to the track practice at Goddard or Bear Creek please contact me and lets work out a way to get them over to the practices. 

  • Email me with questions please. 


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